The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Rockingham Primary School

At Rockingham we are committed to being an inclusive school, providing the best possible standard of education for every child.

Remote Learning

January 2021 - Following the school closure from 4th January 2021, the staff at Rockingham Primary School have created all the remote learning provisions for the year groups across our school. Please click on the appropriate link for your year group. Our learning at Rockingham Primary School for KS1 and KS2 classes has now switched to the Google Classroom online platform and Tapestry for EYFS.  Daily lessons, accompanying work booklets and useful videos can be found on Google Classroom.  The content has been created and adapted by our teachers to help make your learning experience at home feel similar to that which would be experienced in school and help you feel supported at home.   Timetables have been produced for each phase and these can be seen by clicking on the relevant phase page.

Each week, we will be hosting a virtual celebration assembly where children will be nominated by the adults in school to be worker of the week.  This will be shared with our school community on a Friday.

Should you have any further queries please contact the school on: 01536 203806

Parent.DRET.Cloud - Parent Guidance and Support

Primary.DRET.Cloud - Student Remote Access


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    Academic Year 2020/2021
