Personal Development at Rockingham Primary School
Within school, we are keen to enable our children to develop the skills that they need to enable them to be confident, successful future citizens. We want to maximise opportunities for children to develop themselves as members of an ever – growing society. One of the ways we do this is by enabling children to take some responsibilities within school.
Rockingham's Representatives
We are keen for our children to become leaders and contribute the decisions made in schools. As a result of this, we have developed children as leaders for different areas of the school. These are focusing on working and learning together, learning about democracy, learning how to play a positive role model in our community and improving our school for everyone.
We have:
- Digital leaders (Years 5 and 6)
- Play leaders (Year 5 and 6)
- Wellbeing leaders
- Librarians (Year 6)
- STEM Leaders
- House Captains (Year 6)
- Vice House Captains (Year 6)
- Language Leaders
- Cloakroom Leaders
- Reading Ambassadors
- Learning Ambassadors
- EYFS Ambassadors (EYFS)
House Captains
At Rockingham, we have four house teams which are: Ruby, Citrine, Sapphire and Emerald. Every child is allocated to one of the houses which they then support during our whole school events. When our children log their reading, they earn points for their house team. Our Sports Days are very competitive with each house bidding to earn the most house points to enable them to be awarded with the house cup. Our house captains are chosen from our Year 6 pupils who help to organise events and take a leading role in our whole school celebration assemblies.
Our house captains for this year are:
Ruby – Leonie and Charley
Citrine – Bentley and Maks
Sapphire – Isaac and Millie
Emerald – Paypay and Jenson
Character Development
Throughout the year, we will be focusing on character development traits that we will work on a school community to provide us all with essential skills that we need to succeed. We will be completing age – appropriate assemblies, tasks and receive house points for demonstrating these traits.
T1 – motivation
T2 – independence
T3 – teamwork
T4 – self control
T5 – organisation
T6 – leadership
Personal development is paramount to us at Rockingham. We enhance this through our Jigsaw PSHE curriculum and through using Votes for Schools assemblies. In addition to this, we run wider opportunities and events throughout the year that further develop this, e.g.,
- The Life Skills visits
- Visits from our school nurse and PCSO
- Parliament and magistrate days
- After school clubs
- Trips
- Whole school and year group enrichment days